Zico Quic-Bar Forcible Entry Tool - First Responder Products - Homeland Security, DHS, SEL/AEL, Emergency Rescue, Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, Milita
Zico Quic-Bar Forcible Entry Tool - First Responder Products - Homeland Security, DHS, SEL/AEL, Emergency Rescue, Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, Military, Homeland Security News:
"Zico Quic-Bar Forcible Entry Tool
Zico Quic-Bar Forcible Entry Tool
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Chrome-plated steel entry tools are available in three styles
Three-Piece Quic-Bar
Swedge-fit into ends and pinned through for maximum strength and dependability; with octagon handle.
·Ends are forged in high-alloy aircraft steel and tapered to a fine point to facilitate entry
·Hex bar is stress-proof steel
Available Options: 30", 36", 42"
Editor - This tactical Entry Halligan Tool looks like a nice tool to have around. And maybe firstresponderproducts.com will send me one to have err... I mean test since they enjoy the free advert/link...hint hint